Category: Budget 2020

Gratuity Limit Increased to Rs. 20 lakhs, With Gratuity Calculator with Gratuity Calculation Formula.

Now you can get higher gratuity without paying taxes. The Government is going to increase the limit for tax-free gratuity. The union cabinet has decided to increase the tax-free gratuity limit to Rs.20 lakhs. As of now, it is Rs.10 lakhs. Therefore, this decision would benefit the employees of the private sector and PSUs. The central […]

Amount to Word Converter in Excel

Most of the Professionals mainly in Accounts related persons and who are working in computers mainly used in Excel, Therefore, they have needed these Excel Tools, which can easily Convert the Amount to In Words automatically. In other words, this Excel Tolls mainly valuable for those, who are working in Accounts and where frequently need […]

Income Tax deduction for medical treatment U/s Section 80DDB With Automated Income Tax Preparation Software in Excel for the West Bengal Govt Employees for the F.Y.2020-21 ( New and Old Tax Regime U/s 115 BAC)

Who can Claim Deductions under Section 80DDB? Under Section 80DDB of the tax Act, 1961, taxpayers can claim a deduction for medical treatment of certain specified ailments for self or dependent. this sort of deduction is roofed in Chapter VIA of the tax Act, 1961. The citizen of India can claim deduction under this section. […]

When senior citizens are not required to file their ITR? With Automated Income Tax Software All in One for the Andhra Pradesh State Employees for F.Y.2020-21 as per U/s 115 BAC.

In India, the bulk of Senior Citizen faces financial hardship in adulthood as most of them aren’t during a position to earn their livelihood. Their savings, if any, aren’t enough to satisfy their day to day, particularly the medical expenses. Senior Citizen with good net-worth value is in search of excellent short-term financial getting to […]

What is the Interest Income is Exempt for Senior Citizens and Individuals in Income Tax? With Automated Income Tax Salary Arrears Relief Calculator U/s 89(1) with Form 10E from the F.Y.2000-01 to F.Y.2020-21 (Updated Version)

IntroductionThe Savings Bank Interest earns is the amount paid to an entity for lending its money or letting another entity use its funds. On a bigger scale, interest income is the amount earned by an investor’s money that he places in an investment or project. Such income is usually taxable, however, the Income Tax gives […]

What is the deduction under section 80TTA? With Automated Income Tax Preparation Excel Based Software All in One for the Govt and Non-Govt Employees for the F.Y.2020-21

It is noted that this Exemption entitled to the taxpayers who are opt-in the Old Tax Regime U/s 115BAC Introduced in Budget 2020 The Unique Section 80TTA provides a deduction of Rs 10,000/- on the interest income from Savings Bank Interest Max Rs. Ten Thousand. This deduction is out there to a private and HUF. […]

Download Automated Income Tax Calculator All in One for the Bihar State Govt Employees for the F.Y.2020-21 as per the Budget 2020 with New and Old Tax Regime U/s 115BAC

In the Budget 2020 introduced a new Section 115 BAC for the F.Y.2020-21. This Section 115BAC have an option that you can stay in the Old Tax System along with all the Income Tax Exemptions as per the F.Y.2019-20 and you can Opt-in the New Tax Regime Excluding any Exemptions of Income Tax as the […]

Download Automated Income Tax Calculator All in One for the Andhra Pradesh State Govt Employees for the F.Y.2020-21 as per the Budget 2020 with New and Old Tax Regime U/s 115BAC

In the Budget 2020 introduced a new Section 115 BAC for the F.Y.2020-21. This Section 115BAC have an option that you can stay in the Old Tax System along with all the Income Tax Exemptions as per the F.Y.2019-20 and you can Opt-in the New Tax Regime Excluding any Exemptions of Income Tax as the […]

Income Tax Section 80TTA Rebate from Savings Bank Interest Including Automated Income Tax Salary Arrears Relief Calculator U/s 89(1) for the F.Y.2020-21

The provisions of Section 80 TTA of the Income Tax Act may read as follows: – Discounts in a deposit on savings account in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 80 TTA • Account where the total income of an appraiser (excluding the assessment prescribed in the 80TTB section for senior residents) is included in […]

The CBDT has issued a notification approving the exemption of Section 115BAC for F.Y 20-21, including automated income tax preparation excel based software for private employees for F.Y.2020-21

CBDT has issued a notice for giving exclusion under section 115 BAC: CBDT has issued a notice No.G.S.R.415E dated.26.06.2020 (Download  Notification) for endorsement of certain exceptions under section 115 (14) of the Income-tax Act, 19 61 of. Appraisal of the license to any salaried individual who has picked the alternative under section 115 BAC (5) […]

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